Midterm Exam Handout
CS56 F16


The Aircraft class is intended to represent one of the rows in the table shown here, which is a portion of the United Airlines fleet:

Boeing 747-400 (744) wifi 52 Business First 240 Economy 70 Economy Plus 12 Global First
Boeing 767-300 (763) wifi 26 BusinessFirst 80 Economy 71 Economy Plus 6 Global First
Boeing 787-8 (788) wifi 36 BusinessFirst 113 Economy 70 Economy Plus  
Boeing 787-9 (789) wifi 48 BusinessFirst 116 Economy 88 Economy Plus  
Embraer EMB 170 wifi 48 Economy 16 Economy Plus 6 First  
Embraer EMB 175 no wifi 48 Economy 16 Economy Plus 12 First  
Bombardier CRJ-200 no wifi 46 Economy 4 Economy Plus    
Bombardier CRJ-700 no wifi 28 Economy 32 Economy Plus 6 First  

As you can see, for each Aircraft in a fleet, we need to be able to store:

For your convenience, you may assume that there is a Cabin class available to you with:

Your job is to write the public class Aircraft, with all of the following:

  1. (10 pts) Correct syntax and structure of a Java class.
  2. (8 pts) Private instance variables for the data members (attributes)
  3. (8 pts) A two-argument constructor that takes arguments for the name of the aircraft, and whether or not the aircraft has wifi: Example invocation:

        Aircraft a = new Aircraft("Boeing 747-400 (744)",true);
        Aircraft b = new Aircraft("Embraer EMB 175",false);
  4. (8 pts) getter methods called getName and hasWifi that return appropriate values
  5. (8 pts) a method addCabin that adds a Cabin object to the aircraft. For example,

        Aircraft a = new Aircraft("Boeing 747-400 (744)",true);
        Cabin bf = new Cabin("Business First",52);
        Cabin e = new Cabin("Economy",240);
  6. (8 pts) a correct toString() method. The method should return a representation of the aircraft object in a format that follows these examples.

    Boeing 747-400 (744) (Capacity: 374 )
    Bombardier CRJ-200 V1 (Capacity: 50)

    The capacity should be the sum of the capacities of all cabins that have been added to the Aircraft.

Note that for this exam, you do NOT need to include Javadoc comments or write a .equals method.

Total Points: Total points: ?

The list contains data for the United Airlines fleet as shown on the website SeatGuru, Copyright © TripAdvisor LLC, 2016. Reproduced here under “fair use” doctrine for classroom use.

Code for Question 6

public class Dog {

    private static Dog dogOfTheWeek = null;
    private String name;
    public void setAsDogOfTheWeek() {
	dogOfTheWeek = this;

    public static Dog getDogOfTheWeek() {
	return dogOfTheWeek;
    public Dog(String name) { this.name = name;}

    public static void main(String [] args) {

	Dog d1 = new Dog("Snoopy"); 
	Dog d2 = new Dog("Princess"); 
	Dog d3 = new Dog("Rover");
	Dog d4 = new Dog("Spot"); 
	Dog d5 = new Dog("Fido"); 

	d5.setAsDogOfTheWeek();    /*  1 */
	d2 = d1;                   /*  2 */
	Dog d6 = d3;               /*  3 */ 
	Dog temp = d2;             /*  4 */
	d2 = d5;                   /*  5 */
	d5 = temp;                 /*  6 */
	d3 = getDogOfTheWeek();    /*  7 */
	d1.setAsDogOfTheWeek();    /*  8 */
	d1 = null;                 /*  9 */
	d2 = null;                 /* 10 */
	d3 = null;                 /* 11 */
	d4 = null;                 /* 12 */
	d5 = null;                 /* 13 */
	temp = null;               /* 14 */
    }                              /* 15 */
End of Handout